4] Very thin circular disks made of a Graphene-Carbon Nanotube-Graphene "sandwhich", with disks made of Graphene as the "bread" and radially arranged Carbon Nanotubes as the "meat", glued together with Carbon-Carbon bonds.
Along their direction of extension, the tensile strength of a Carbon Nanotube is so high that they could theoretically be used to make a Beanstock (space elevator). The tensile strength of Graphene ain't too shabby either. Bottom line here is that you could make a disk having an insanely high tensile strength along its radius - so it could be spun at incredibly high speed without flying apart.
The mass of the disk could be made radially asymmetric by adding more carbon layers to the Graphene "bread" along different intervals along the radius of the disk - or any other pattern that strikes your fancy...
Then make another one and put some Buckeyballs between the two disks to make them spin in opposite directions (they could act as little gears) - repeat as necessary to stack those rapidly counter-rotating disks-pairs has high as you want... should effect the space-time-continuum in technologically useful ways...
angular momentum always present in spatial affairs